Health is the most important thing for a person. Unfortunately, we start to pay attention only when we get to a certain age. The thing we might be worried about the least are our teeth. But they are most often the first organ with which our troubles begin. Teeth care begins with our first, milk teeth. Most often, we don’t take care of them enough. We do not check them up regularly.
We do not fix them when we need to. We get rid of them easily. We visit the dentist only when we begin feeling ache. Teeth can cause different, more troublesome illnesses. Teeth infection leaves side effects on other, vital organs like the heart, eyes, kidneys, joints, skin and elsewhere. Rotten tooth or a tooth treated wrongly can actually cause death.
Not even to mention a smile. Have you ever been in a position where you were embarrassed to laugh?
You are not to blame. Your parents should’ve taken better care of it, and they haven’t. Maybe they didn’t teach you the basis of keeping a good hygiene. Maybe they did, maybe they even took you to see the dentist, but the wrong one. We vary. There are good ones and bad ones. Often, we find out too late. Can a patient tell between a good one and a bad one before he/she experiences it on his/her own skin?
Well, now you can!
This book answers many questions related to teeth health and the way you yourself can maintain the health of your teeth and oral cavity. Some of the questions this book gives answers to are:
Have you always been satisfied by the services your dentist has provided for you? How much money have you wasted on bad service and haven’t even been aware of it? Do you know what your Health Insurance covers for the money your regularly pay to them?